Readmission Form
Your Information
Trine Student ID (if known)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Former Name (if applicable)
Street Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
Email Address
Last 4 digits of SSN
Date of Birth
Prior Attendance Information
Last term Attended
Reason For Leaving
Provide what institutions you were at?
Please briefly list the academic and employment experiences that you have had since leaving Trine.
Along with the form, you should also submit a 3-4 paragraph paper explaining the reasons for your current academic situation, and describe the steps you plan to take that will ensure success in your desired program of study.
Which campus are you applying for readmission?
Each student’s situation is carefully evaluated, and readmission is not guaranteed.
International students must send a copy of their current I-20 and current financial guarantee to the Office of International Services.
Date Submitted
Return Attendance Information
Expected Returning term
If readmitted, do you plan to live in on-campus housing?
TrineOnline Only
Approval Comments
In order to successfully add your comment you need to click the 'Add Comment' button and ALSO click the 'Save Changes' button at the top of this form.
Comment Date
First Approver
Final Approver
Reason(s) for leaving
Please use this field to include comments in Emails for denials. In order to successfully add your comment you need to click the 'Save Changes' button at the top of this form!
Reason of Denial
CHP Only
Division Code